Understanding the Distinction Between a Traffic Citation and a Speeding Ticket

If you’ve ever received a notice from law enforcement officers for violating traffic law, you may have wondered what the difference is between a proper traffic citation and a NJ Speeding Ticket. While these terms are often used interchangeably, they actually refer to different types of traffic notices that can have different consequences.

Understanding the Distinction Between a Traffic Citation and a Speeding Ticket
Understanding the Distinction Between a Traffic Citation and a Speeding Ticket

In this article, we’ll clarify the distinction between a parking ticket citation and a speeding ticket and explain the potential consequences of each. By understanding the difference between these two types of traffic infringement notices , you can make informed decisions about how to respond to infringement notice and avoid future legal issues.

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New Jersey Citizens may pay their traffic summons online, in the comfort of their home, by using a check, debit, or credit card. NJMCDirect Website relives you the parking ticket payment waiting in line at the counter of Municipal Court and Use your mobile phone or computer. Avoid Legal Ticket Penalties, please make sure to make early court fine payments.

For credit or debit cards transactions or e-checks, you will be required to pay an additional processing charged amount that will be calculated and displayed. You must hit the final submit button to ensure your ticket payment amount has successfully submitted. If done correctly, you will receive an email with a 9 digit confirmation number along with Payment date. Traffic Summons Payments can be completed offline or New Jersey Traffic Summonses to be processed online. The fast, secure, convenient way to find NJ Traffic Ticket information online.  Municipal Court Office Contact Details of Irvington, Passaic and kearny (kearnynj.org) are provided for Checks and money orders payments.

Definition of a citation and a speeding ticket

A Parking citation is a formal infringement notice issued by a New Jersey government, such as a police department or NJ traffic court, that a person has violated traffic law or ordinance. Parking citations are often issued for DMV traffic violations, such as running red light or failing to stop at a stop sign, or for parking violations tickets, such as parking in a no parking zone or exceeding the time limit in a parking space.

A speeding ticket is a type of motor vehicle violation notice issued to motor vehicle driver who is accused of driving above the posted speed limit. New Jersey Speeding tickets are issued by law enforcement officers who observe convicted traffic violation or use devices such as radar guns to measure the transport vehicle speed. In addition to the ticket fine for the regular moving or non-moving violation, receiving a speeding ticket cost can result in loss of demerit points being added to the NJ driver’s license and may increase insurance premium rates.

Types of traffic violations that can result in a citation (e.g. traffic violations, parking violations)

There are many different types of motor vehicle violations that can result in unpaid citations. Here are some examples of common traffic violations that can lead to a citation:

  • Speeding: Improper or dangerous driving practices above the posted speed limit
  • Failing to stop at a stop sign or red light: Disobeying traffic signals & signs.
  • Failing to yield the right of way: Not giving other motor vehicles record, pedestrians, or bicycles the right of way as required by law enforcement system.
  • Improper lane change: Changing lanes in a way that is dangerous or illegal
  • Following too closely: Driving too closely behind another vehicle.
  • Reckless driving ticket: Engaging in dangerous or reckless behavior while operating vehicle
  • Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs: Operating vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drugs

There are also many types of parking violations that can result in a standard accident-preventing techniques. Some examples include:

  • Parking in no parking zone: Parking in an area where parking is not allowed
  • Parking in handicapped space without a driver’s license permit: Using a designated handicapped parking space without the proper driver’s license permit
  • Parking in fire lane: Parking in an area designated as a fire lane, which is reserved for emergency vehicles.
  • Parking in loading zone: Using a designated loading zone for non-commercial purposes
  • Parking in restricted area: Parking in an area where parking is restricted to certain types of vehicles, such as driver license permit-only parking areas
  • Exceeding the time limit in a parking space: Staying parked in a metered space or time-limited parking space for longer than the allowed time.
See also  How Long Does a Speeding Ticket Stay on Your Record in New Jersey?

Consequences of receiving a speeding ticket (e.g. fines, points on a driving record)

Receiving a Speeding ticket online payment can have a number of standard accident-preventing consequences, including:

  • Ticket Fines: Most New Jersey states have established fine schedules for over speeding violations, which outline the amount of the fine that must be paid based on the severity of parking violation and the speed limit while traveling. In general, the higher speed, the higher traffic ticket fine. Some NJ states also have additional fees or pay NJ surcharges that are added to the fine.
  • Points on DMV driving record: Many states have a New Jersey Point System for pay traffic violations fee online, in which points are added to a driver’s records for each traffic violation. The number of demerit points added for a speeding ticket payment depends on the severity of the most minor violation while traveling. Accumulating too many demerit points can lead to the suspension or revocation of NJ driver’s license.
  • Increased insurance premiums: Receiving a single speeding ticket online payment can also lead to an increase car insurance premiums. Insurance companies consider Speeding ticket payment and other traffic violations check the tickets online to be indicators of risky driving behaviour, and they may charge higher premiums to drivers who have received traffic tickets.
  • Attendance at New Jersey Driver Improvement Program (DIP)Probationary Driver Program (PDP) at nsc.org: NJ states allow drivers who have received a most expensive speeding ticket to attend New Jersey-licensed traffic school providers in lieu of paying fines or having points added to their driving record. Traffic school scheduling a class with a New Jersey-licensed provider that teaches vehicle drivers about safe driving practices and the consequences of checking your ticket-online. Completing traffic school can help drivers avoid demerit points on their driving record and may lead to insurance premium reduction.

Possible defenses against a speeding ticket (e.g. incorrect speed measurement, emergency situation)

There are several possible New Jersey defensive driving course curriculum that a driver may use to challenge speeding ticket court. Here are a few examples:

  • Incorrect speed measurement: If the driver believes that the speed-measuring device used by the law enforcement officer was not working properly or was not used correctly, they may argue that the speed measurement was incorrect. For example, the law enforcement officials may have used a radar gun speeding that was not calibrated correctly or may have used it from incorrect distance.
  • Emergency situation: If the motor vehicle driver was speeding incorrect because they were responding to an emergency situation, such as rushing to the hospital or attempting to avoid an accident, they may argue that they had a legitimate reason for issuing speding ticket.
  • Lack of traffic signage: If the motor vehicle driver was not aware of the posted speed limit because there were no signs indicating the speeding limit, they may argue that they were not aware that they were breaking the enforcement law.
  • Inaccurate observation: If the truck driver disputes the law enforcement department officer’s observation that they were crossing speed limit, they may argue.

It is important to note that these defenses may not be successful in all cases, and the outcome of a NJ Municipal court case will depend on the specific circumstances of the traffic ticket violation and the evidence presented by the truck or any vehicle driver.

Consequences of receiving citation (e.g. fines, points on a driving record)

The consequences of receiving citation can vary depending on the type of traffic violation and the laws of the court jurisdiction in which the summons was issued. Here are some common consequences of receiving to pay parking citation:

  • Traffic Fines: Most citations carry a fine that must be paid to resolve the traffic citation. The amount of the fine will depend on the type of violation and the jurisdiction in which the citation number was issued.
  • Demerit Points on a driving record: Some states have a point system for traffic violations, in which points are added to a motor driver’s record for each speeding ticket violation. The number of demerit points added for each ticket citation number depends on the type and severity of the parking violation. Accumulating too many points can lead to the suspension or revocation of a New Jersey driver’s license.
  • Increased insurance premiums: Receiving a citation can also lead to an increase in car insurance premiums. Insurance companies consider traffic violations to be indicators of risky driving behaviour, and they may charge higher premiums to drivers who have received parking citations.
  • Attendance at licensed driving school: Some  New Jersey online driver improvement course allow motor vehicle drivers record who have received parking citation to attend Driver Improvement Program (DIP) at licensed driving schools in lieu of paying the fine or having points added to their driving record. NJ MVC | Driver Programs is a class that teaches drivers about safe driving practices and the consequences of paying traffic violations. Completing Driver Improvement Program can help drivers avoid points on their driving record and may lead to insurance rate reduction.
  • License suspension or revocation: In some cases, receiving to pay parking citation can lead to the suspension or revocation of driver’s license. This is usually reserved for more serious motor vehicle violations or for drivers who have a history of driving violations.
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How a citation is issued and resolved (e.g. by a police officer or a traffic camera)

A citation can be issued by any police officer or other law enforcement officers who observes convicted traffic violation, or it can be issued automatically by a traffic camera detector or other electronic automated system.

If traffic citation is issued by a police officer, the officer will usually pull the driver over and issue to pay ticket citation in person. The driver has the right to challenge the speeding ticket citation in New jersey municipal court case if they believe it was issued in error.

If a traffic citation number is issued by a traffic camera footage or any other automated system, it is typically mailed to the registered owner vehicle. The citation number will include information about the non-moving violation and the fine that must be paid.

You have another option to pay ticket online via www.njmcdirect.com not guilty. Municipal court in NJ only asks you by license plate without ticket number, if not your traffic violation ticket payment must be in-front of courts.

To resolve a major traffic citation, the recipient can either pay fine or contest municipal court. If the recipient decides to pay fine, they can usually do from officials, by mail, or in person at a court or government officials. If the recipient decides to contest the traffic citation in local municipal court records, they will need to appear in local court on the date and time specified in the citation. The recipient has the right to present their case and argue that appeal citation was issued in error. The municipal court judge will then decide whether to dismiss the minor parking citation or to uphold it and impose the associated fine.

How a Speeding ticket is issued and resolved (e.g. by a police officer or radar)

A Speeding Ticket Payment is typically issued by a police officer who observes a driver traveling above the posted speed limit. The officer may use a radar gun or other speed-measuring device to determine the vehicle speed, or they may estimate the speed based on their own observations.

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If the law enforcement officer decides to issue Speeding tickets, they will usually pull the vehicle driver over and issue ticket in person. The parking speeding ticket will include information about the non moving violation and the fine that must be paid.

To resolve most expensive speeding tickets, the driver can either pay fine or contest ticket in NJ court. If the driver decides to contest the ticket in court, they will need to appear in court on the date and time specified in the ticket. The driver has the right to present their case and argue that the ticket was issued by administrative error. The municipal court judge will then decide whether to dismiss traffic ticket or to uphold it and impose associated fine.

It is also possible to pay speeding ticket online to be issued automatically by a traffic camera or other automated electronic system. In this case, the ticket will be mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle and the process for resolving traffic ticket will be similar to that described above.

Importance of understanding the distinction between a citation and a speeding-ticket

Understanding the distinction between a citation and a New Jersey speeding tickets are important because it can help you avoid future traffic violations and minimise consequences of any moving violations that do occur.

By knowing the different types of moving or non moving violations that can result in a citation and the consequences of receiving citation, you can be more mindful of your actions while driving vehicle or parking and avoid violating traffic law. Similarly, understanding the consequences of receiving Nj speeding ticket payment and the possible defenses against NJ speeding ticket can help you avoid getting ticket or minimize the impact of parking ticket if you do receive one.

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Additionally, understanding the difference between a citation and a speeding ticket can help you properly respond to any parking violations you do receive. This includes knowing how to pay fine or contest a citation or ticket in New jersey court if you believe it was issued in error.

Overall, understanding the distinction between a citation and a Nj Speeding ticket is important for anyone who drives or owns a vehicle, as it can help you avoid motor vehicle violations, minimize the consequences of any moving violations that do occur, and ensure that you are following the judicial law.


  • What is the role of a public defender in traffic ticket cases?

The role of a public defender in traffic ticket cases is to provide legal representation for defendants who cannot afford an attorney.

  • How do law enforcement agencies enforce traffic ticket regulations?

Law enforcement agencies enforce traffic ticket regulations by issuing citations for violations and enforcing penalties for non-compliance.

  • What is the process for contesting a parking ticket issued by a municipality?

The process for contesting a parking ticket issued by a municipality typically involves pleading not guilty, scheduling a hearing and presenting evidence and arguments to contest the citation.

  • What are the consequences of having multiple moving violations on my driver’s license?

The consequences of having multiple moving violations on your driver’s license can include fines, penalties, and points on your driver’s license, which can increase insurance rates and potentially lead to license suspension or revocation.

  • What is the role of court staff in traffic ticket cases?

The role of court staff in traffic ticket cases can include scheduling hearings, processing payments, and maintaining records.

  • Do I have to be physically present in court for a traffic ticket case?

It depends on the specific court or municipality that issued the ticket, some courts may allow for a virtual court appearance or mail in plea, while others may require physical presence.

  • What is the role of municipal prosecutors in traffic ticket cases?

The role of municipal prosecutors in traffic ticket cases is to represent the government in court and prove the charges against the defendant.

  • How can I find information about the hours of operation for my municipal court for traffic tickets?

You can find information about the hours of operation for your municipal court for traffic tickets by visiting the court or contacting the court directly.

  • What is the process for requesting a hardship license for multiple traffic tickets?

The process for requesting a hardship license for multiple traffic tickets can vary by state and municipality, but generally, it involves submitting a formal request and demonstrating that the suspension of your license would cause undue hardship.

  • What are the rights of a driver during a traffic stop for a traffic violation?

The rights of a driver during a traffic stop for a traffic violation include the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, and the right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure.

  • Can traffic ticket fines be waived for financial hardship in my municipality?

Whether traffic ticket fines can be waived for financial hardship depends on the specific court or municipality. Some courts or municipalities may have programs or policies in place to provide relief to those with financial hardship, while others may not.

  • How can I find the nearest municipal court for my traffic or parking ticket?

You can find the nearest municipal court for your traffic or parking ticket by searching online or contacting the court or municipality that issued the ticket for more information.

  • What is the statute of limitations for traffic ticket enforcement in my municipality?

The statute of limitations for traffic ticket enforcement in a municipality can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the citation. It’s best to check the court’s policies or consult with an attorney to determine the specific statute of limitations in your case.

  • Can a traffic ticket be waived for attending traffic school in my municipality?

Whether a traffic ticket can be waived for attending traffic school depends on the specific court or municipality. Some courts or municipalities may have programs or policies in place that allow for traffic ticket dismissal or reduction in exchange for attending traffic school, while others may not.

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