Westfield Resident Falls Victim to $48K Wire Fraud Scam

Westfield, NJ – In a distressing incident, a resident of Westfield became the target of a fraudulent scheme last week, resulting in a substantial loss of $48,000, as confirmed by the Westfield Police.

On June 6, at approximately 1 p.m., the victim, who resides in the 1700 block of Nevada Street, reported the incident to the authorities. According to the victim’s account, an unknown individual orchestrated a cunning wire transfer operation. The fraudster managed to transfer $28,700 from the victim’s bank account to an undisclosed recipient. Shockingly, the perpetrator promptly followed up with another wire transfer, this time for the amount of $19,980.

Aside from this distressing case, the Westfield Police have been active in various other law enforcement efforts:

On June 4, at 9:47 a.m., Kevin Hernandez, 29, hailing from Linden, was taken into custody subsequent to a routine motor vehicle stop. The arrest took place in a parking lot near the intersection of West North Avenue and Central Avenue. Hernandez was found to have a warrant issued by Clark Municipal Court, amounting to $500. After the arrest, Hernandez was released at the scene on his own recognizance, with a future court appearance scheduled.

The Westfield Police continue their diligent work in investigating the wire fraud incident, urging residents to remain vigilant and take necessary precautions to protect themselves from falling victim to such scams.

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